At Al Wahda Private School (AWPS), we strongly believe that Student Leaders have a very important role to play in the day-to-day organization of our school. The positions not only allow students the opportunity to model confident leadership, resilience, and responsibility, but they also encourage younger students to aspire and learn from peer examples.
The information below will help you understand the roles and what opportunities for Student Leadership are open to our students at AWPS.
Head StudentsThese students will be the pinnacle of student leadership in the school, and will lead tours, open and close formal events, meet and greet at formal events, make end-of-year speeches and represent the school to the SPEA. They will also be responsible for chairing the Whole School Student Council Meetings.
Primary and Secondary Student CouncilThe purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the student body.
House CaptainsHouse Captains play a vital role in their school by developing a sense of house community through the planning and leading a range of inter-house activities across the school. They are responsible for developing inter-house competitions and finding exciting ways of promoting their house identity.
Learning AmbassadorsThe role of Learning Ambassadors in school is to promote learning by working with teachers to become better teachers, as well as helping our learners be the best learners they can be. They will also be excellent role models and have a great attitude towards learning.
Tutor Leadership RolesIn each Tutor group, students can be nominated into other Leadership roles by their teachers. At AWPS, these roles include a Literacy Leader, a Numeracy Leader, a Digital Leader and Sports Captains. These roles have been created to give peer-to-peer support in these important areas of school life.
Extra-Curricular LeadershipAlongside the day-to-day Leadership roles highlighted above, all students have the opportunity to attend Extra-Curricular clubs that are designed with Leadership in mind. These clubs include:
Heritage HeroesHeritage Heroes predominant role is to share UAE heritage with all stakeholders, so these values are embedded into the AWPS . Culture. This group is also open to those who are not UAE nationals but wish to share the culture of all nationalities across our student cohort here at AWPS.
Moral AmbassadorsMoral Ambassadors predominant role is to promote moral education, tolerance and happiness through displays and tutor group activities/newsletter articles. This group is open to all students who wish to play an active role in developing student and staff awareness of moral issues facing the world today.